Our Commitment
Our Focused Communities
Each year, we will give 5% of our profit, in our products and services, to disabled US Veterans and rural hospitals and clinics in India and Philippines.
Our commitment is supported with our goal to improve the Quality of Life for deserving patients in our focused communities.
We believe that donating our time, talent and resources is equally important as we are truly passionate about helping needy communities.
Our focus is to donate LL Corpus physical rehabilitation equipment to the below communities.
Disabled US Veterans who are bed/wheelchair bound and have a difficult time to travel to VA hospital for rehabilitation and wellness therapy.
Rural hospitals and clinics in India and Philippines that lack the funding to obtain physical rehabilitation equipment to enable bed/wheelchair bound patients to engage in therapy services.
It's not only WHAT you do - it's WHY you do it!

Disabled US Military Veterans

India Rural Hospitals / Clinics

Philippines Rural Hospitals / Clinics
“We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.”
Winston S. Churchill