A licensed physical therapist is required to conduct a medical evaluation and a prepare a personalized Plan of Care for the patient before they are qualified for use of TeleREHAB Hub ™.
The therapist’s TeleREHAB Hub ™ therapy session interactions include:
- Schedule online therapy session with patient @ LL Corpus Portal.
- Conduct online therapy session with patient (and healthcare professionals and caregivers).
- Video and archive patient therapy session in Cloud.
- Interact with patient: video & chat.
- Obtain and record patient vitals.
- Update patient healthcare records, as required.
- Display prescribed exercise video guides to support patient therapy.
- Monitor patient therapy performance.
- Provide patient feedback & guidance.
- Record patient session SOAP notes.
- Approve patient session: Digital Sign – Therapist and Patient.
- Provide E-Invoice and Payment.
- Schedule next patient session.
- Update patient E-Chart and documents.
- Interface / upload patient data with recognized EHR systems via APIs.