g. What are the primary TeleREHAB Hub ™ capabilities?

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The primary TeleREHAB Hub ™ capabilities encompass:

Patient Onboarding:

User-friendly online patient onboarding.


Include healthcare professionals, family and caregivers in session.

Video Online Session: 

On-line Call – clinician, patient & Circle-of-Care participants.


Display patient data & documents in graphic formats.


On-line patient / clinician scheduling, with alerts & reminders, at LL Corpus Portal.

Exercise Builder:

Select PT & OT Exercise Videos to support therapy program.

SOAP Notes:

Record online SOAP-supported patient documentation.

Patient Vitals:

Obtain, record, and monitor patient vital signs.

Video Archive:

Record and store patient session videos as evidence for insurance submissions.


Generate patient, clinicians, and clinic-focused reports and statistics.

E-Billing & Payment:

Support patient healthcare insurance, Medicare/Medicaid and Credit Card Payments.

EHR Integration:

Interface / Update patient data with recognized Electronic Healthcare Records (EHR), via APIs.

Patient Surveys:

Conduct patient surveys to support physical therapy best practices improvement.

Interactive Whiteboards:

Verbalize and highlight therapy instructions and insights among clinicians and patients.

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Kevin O

About Kevin O'Sullivan

President & CEO - LL Corpus Cogere, Inc.