The value to patients using the MINI CLINIC ™ unweighing capability encompasses:
Acute Injury and Post-Surgical
Unweighing provides a safe environment to start acute therapy following injury or surgical procedures. For example, a patient with total knee replacement, the physician may require partial weight bearing in the early phase of gait training. Unweighing provides an environment around the knee joint with reduced gravitational effects; this can be coupled with strengthening and stabilization exercises to muscle groups surrounding the knee to enhance joint stability.
Vertical traction is accomplished to provide patient relief. This same approach can be taken with other orthopedic injuries.
By using the MINI CLINIC ™, you can be assured that your patient is working in a dynamic environment consistent with physician specifications.
Since the weight of the patient is supported, there is increased safety for them and the clinician, should a fall occur.
Balance Training
The MINI CLINIC ™ provides a safe environment during balance training. Securing the patient in an unweighing approach eliminates the risk for falling.
The somatosensory input provided by the Body Harness promotes proprioceptive feedback as to to location of the trunk over the base of support and will allow the patient to work with more confidence during rehabilitation. Further, the body harness provides freedom of movement. It enables patient to respond to repetitive stimulation of balance faculty to facilitate neuro-muscular pathway for normalization of movement patterns.
Oscillation of Center of Gravity (COG)
Normal oscillation for the center of gravity during gait is approximately 2″ (5cm). This is easily achieved with the dynamic suspension of the MINI CLINIC by allowing oscillation, hence, the patient can maintain a smooth gait pattern.
When a static support system is used, the center of gravity is raised, the system is not able to maintain a constant unweighing. During toe, off, the patient may be full weight bearing, which may cause undesired firing patterns of the musculature, resulting in poor training effects.
Knee Flexion Through-out Gait Cycle
To provide for shock absorption and mechanical efficiency, the knee must flex at various points during the gait cycle.
The knee is observed for proper flexion, extension and general stability in the various phases of the gait cycle. Knee flexion also allows ground reaction forces (GRF) to occur. GRFs are important for motor firing patterns associated with motor pattern and central pattern generators.
The dynamic environment of the MINI CLINIC unweighing capability allows for development and utilization of these GRF in the re-training of gait.
Single Point Design
A single point of suspension allows proper shifts of the COG and proper pelvic rotation during gait.
By providing natural shifts of the COG strengthening and coordination can be rehabilitated to their original state. Unweighing Systems that provide a two-point support design do not allow for the necessary shift of the COG over vital points necessary for gait.
The two-point design suspends the patient in a static “hanging” position, not allowing lateral pelvic tilts and pelvic rotation necessary for efficient gait mechanics. Lateral pelvic tilt of approximately 1″ allows the body weight to be centered over the hip, this allows the non-weight bearing leg to swing through.
The pelvis then rotates forward with the weight bearing hip acting as a fulcrum allowing forward movement of the non-weight bearing limb. The single point design of LL CORPUS: MINI CLINIC ™ unweighing capability allows for proper biomechanics of the pelvis and utilization of trunk musculature for stabilization and forward propulsion.
Fear of falls and other injury, the MINI CLINIC supports the patient’s need to regain self-confidence by way of eliminating risk of falling and eliminating restrictions born out of multiple persons handling the patient to sustain a safe standing upright posture.
The clinician can conduct hands on, musculoskeletal or neurological facilitation techniques. The goal of the physical therapist when assisting patients with MINI CLINIC is to bring them to a structural balance while in the Body Harness with freedom to move upper and lower extremities and trunk. The MINI CLINIC achieves the necessary safe positioning of the body in an upright, erect, standing and weight bearing posture.
The MINI CLINIC ™ allows the clinician to work on the patient’s coordination in standing position. While safe in the Body Harness and maintaining upright position, the patient can receive hands on, sensory motor techniques from the therapist to enhance equilibrium.
It is important that all three components – posture, balance and coordination – make an integral whole in Gait recovery. To maintain posture and balance, patient needs to relearn control of upper and lower extremities as well as trunk and head. For example, a patient who can keep a sitting or standing upright posture will need to balance to reach forward without falling and in reaching he needs to coordinate movements of the reaching arm with the bending of legs, trunk and leaning of head forward to complete the task.
All the body’s activities cause a shift in center of gravity or body weight. The patient’s recovery in ambulation needs to be based not only on her/his ability to stand erect and posture right, but also perform a smooth, controlled and fluid coordination of arms, legs, trunk and head.
There are many neurological and musculoskeletal disorders that affect body movement, balance, coordination and sensation. Most common orthopedic disorders vary with age. For instance, in children and teenagers, growing pains, broken bones, sports injuries and overuse injuries are common. Among adults, most common are arthritis, bursitis, tendonitis, fibromyalgia, plantar fasciitis, total joint replacement, impingement syndromes, low back pain, osteoporosis and amputation. Any dysfunction or impairment of the central nervous system, spinal cord, peripheral nerve or musculoskeletal system can result in an abnormal gait.